Monday, December 10, 2012

Totally random

Everything is becoming everlasting. Internet is killing TV's mojo. Taking the spunk away by being available in greater forms and all the time. Life is getting busier and busier. Ah, i still loved cricket. Yes, the present and past expression together is intended. All things slow are losing value. For eg, the trams. Screwed long before they got any functional glory, spare for the aesthetic appeal and great heritage value that they today make for. Much like some of us, living the life of mediocrity under the assumtion of a glorious one. So how are we exactly evolving? I mean, we are equally divided into groups who are loving this life and who are hating it. So we perhaps have two distinct paths of evolution. One may of course, at this juncture, feel inclined to draw an analogy here with the love for money or the absence of it as representing the two paths. And such a person may belong to either group. Which is what makes our understanding of current evolution a little tricky to decipher - both the groups have an almost equal number of people who are aware of this truth. So awareness clearly is not changing preferences. And hence plays a rather insignificant role in determining where we could be headed.
Then, is money driving evolution?
So when you are slowly crossing a road you are not thinking if you will cross it again. In fact its one of those things that you never want to do again. The mental alertness that the mind brings itself to even while you are in a drunker stupor or the kind some of us find of higher order, while you try to make it across the road(in the most teenage impression of being drunk), is rather freaky. The fear of the road makes it to where your better halves' phone calls dont -You're mind.
So if you are a slow left arm bowler, chances are you are on the wrong side of evolution. Life may surely be cruel sometimes. Even to those with lots of money. Which is where lies the proverbial billion dollar question (hail america for dollars and their everlasting omnipresence in our lives! Baaah!!) - if money cant shield grief, why is it the most important thing?
Perhaps because it can shield some of the forms of grief. Yes, that may actually be true. Talk to a poor man once and if you can see the multiple reasons why he is unhappy, you are one of the rare ones. Most of us see a poor man as a POOR MAN. Someone without much money. And that is his misery, as far as we are concerned. And it is that grief that money shields us from. From the pain of going empty stomach. From the pain of not having to sweat it out in the sun in a hot and humid climate. From the fear of sleeping outside in the open without much to cover us on a cold winter night. From the fear of death from a disease which you cant pay to treat. Yes, it helps us survive. And that is why it could drive evolution. Perhaps.
It has allowed the man to challenge the realm of his own reality. Challenge what and how much he knows and how much he CAN know. It fuels knowledge acquistion. And if there was one closest competitor to 'furthering your seeds' philosphy as THE answer to life, it is acquiring KNOWLEDGE. An often used term, abused by its attempted omnipresence(nothing except GOD and Dollars is loved omnipresent. Not even sex) by the very furtherers of it, but a very powerful obsession working at our sub conscious all the time. One of the most integral parts of the evolutionary cycle. If man never hungered to know, he would have never survived.
there then. Is money driving evolution?